Ocimum basilicum, is the common name for Basil. This popular sweet herb comes from the mint family. It is well-known for its flavoring and formerly used for medicinal purposes. Basil is a leafy annual with a bushy appearance. The most common type of basil is sweet basil; other types include purple basil (less sweet than common basil), Lemon basil (lemon flavor), and Thai basil (licorice flavor). Basil is easy to grow and works well in Italian dishes.
There are several types of basil to choose from. The most common is sweet basil, a compact plant that can be grown inside or outside and even in pots.
Sweet basil has many uses and is known for its wonderful fragrance and flavor. It is also the key ingredient in classic Italian Pesto, yummy!! Sweet Basil has big leaves that are fast and easy to grow which makes it bountiful and sometimes overwhelming on what to do with all that basil.

Sweet basil loves hot weather and can be stored in containers many different ways. In our opinion, if you were to grow only one herb, this should probably be it. We prefer to have fresh leaves on hand because dried basil just doesn’t have the aromatic quality of the fresh leaves. Over the years we have done some research on how to preserve our basil. Some of our suggestions are: chopping the leaves or leaving them whole, than fill an ice tray with water and the fresh leaves, then freeze. Or better yet! Pour extra-virgin oil oil or melted butter over your basil in an ice cube tray, cover with plastic wrap and freeze overnight! The frozen cubes can be used in sauces and soups.

The health benefits of sweet basil are great has also been used in aromatherapy for various ailments such as migraine headaches, stress relief, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, common colds and hay fever.
Some say that its uses have a calming affect on the stomach by soothing indigestion and alleviate feelings of fullness. We did a little research and we found this suggested recipe for making an infusion (kind of like a tea) by adding 2 teaspoons of fresh Basil Leaf in a 1/2 of a cup of boiling water. Strain and drink it hot 3 times a day.
On an interesting note: Did you know that sweet basil is a great insect repellent for white flies and fruit fly? Just plant a pot of basil on an open window sill to help repel them from entering your window.

– See more at: http://www.specialtyproduce.com/produce/Lemon_Basil_152.php#sthash.5rTb3sDT.dpuf
– See more at: http://www.specialtyproduce.com/produce/Lemon_Basil_152.php#sthash.5rTb3sDT.dpuf
Here are some pesto recipes from one of our favorite celebrity chef’s Giada De Laurentiis
Call J & J Lawn Service today to have us install your herb garden! 954-732-5008