How to make natural dye from bougainvillea flowers.
bou·gain·vil·le·a [boo-guhn-vil-yuh; -vil-ee-uh; boh-] – A native to coastal Brazil, the bougainvillea was discovered in 1768 in Rio de Janeiro by French naturalist Dr. Philibert Commercon. Bougainvillea are tropical plants that thrive in areas outdoors with low rainfall and intense heat. For maximum blooming, they need direct sunlight for at least 5 hours per day.
Here is a link for more information and further advice on how to create natural dye from bougainvillea flowers visit Pintrest – www.pinterest.com/elisefilt/natural-coloring-plant-dyeing/
Here is how to make natural dye from bougainvillea.
1. Gather all the materials. 2. Separate each petal of the bougainvillea flowers. 3. Mix the petals with one cup of water. 4. Pound the bougainvillea flowers (petals). 5. Separate the petals from the juice. The bougainvillea flower produces extract color like commercial cloth dye.

The bougainvillea is one of several plants that we recommend for our clients who are looking for perennial desert shrubs or bushes. They are hardy, low maintenance, relatively drought resistant, inexpensive and provide spectacular colors to your landscape many times throughout the year.
Bougainvillea for healing
Some believe bougainvillea can provide relief of upper respiratory tract problems by drinking a tea brewed from bougainvillea flowers. Check out the following websites for further information:
Call us today to plant some Bougainvillea Flowers in your yard.