Are you concerned with brown patches on your lawn or worried your grass is crunchy or even dead? Here are some tips on what to do about those problems!
First it is important to know the signs of a lawn that needs water. Grass will take on a blue-gray color when it is thirsty and some leaf blades will start to wilt. In most cases you might notice that footprints will not “bounce back” like they normally would.
With the lack of rain that we have not been receiving it can be easy to keep track of how much rain you’ve received recently. To make things easier you can install a rain gauge to record the rain your area has received . If you have an irrigation system, it is required by Florida state law to have a sensor to turn off the system when it is raining. Make sure this is working so you do not over-water your lawn.
Remember to adjust your watering for the seasons. Your lawn does not need as much water in the winter. Over-watering your lawn can have several damaging effects. That is why it is important to water accordingly. Try experimenting with watering times and amounts; you might be surprised at how much water you can save and still have a healthy lawn!
Here are some short-cuts that you can use. You can install grass and landscaping plants that do not require as much water. Consider water usage when you’re picking out plants—is a bigger or thirstier plant worth the extra water (and expense) it will take to keep it healthy? Also make sure to place plants in appropriate areas, with more drought-resistant plants in sunnier places and plants that need more water in shade or in areas that naturally hold rainwater better.
The best time to water your lawn is during the cool, early morning hours. Water evaporation loss can be 60% higher during the day. If you must water late in the afternoon, stop watering with enough time before dark to allow the grass to dry. Watering at night is not recommended because water left on the blades of grass will encourage fungus and disease.
How long should you water you ask? Well for most Florida soils it is best to average ½ to ¾ of an inch of water per application to quench your lawns thirst! The goal is to saturate the root zone and let then let the soil dry to encourage healthy, deep root growth. During droughts and hot dry months it can be necessary to water a full inch.
We hope you enjoyed these important Tips For Keeping Your Grass Green This Summer